After*Words: a snippet of my creative psychology
Song Inspiration: Iyla #power
I’m sorry it was an accident
She didn’t mean for me to hear her
When she was talking shit
He meant to call me a beauty queen
And not an ugly bitch
They didn’t mean to say those things
They’re sorry it was an accident?
How many people really believe that shit?
Sometimes the things we say and do
Are just merely accidents?
It’s not intended to be thoughtless or crude
If you do
Good for you
As for me
That’s bullshit
Nothing in life is an accident
Ever thought to yourself Why this?
Why now?
Why me?
That’s how things are supposed to be
You don’t have to like her
Because those are your feelings
You don’t have to love me
But you’re not supposed to hate anything
A car hit me at the age of six
I wasn’t supposed to live
Broke my leg when I was thirteen
By slipping on ice in front of the entire student body
Endured the entire school laughing at me
Broke my ankle in the middle of a track meet
At the age of fifteen
It wasn’t an accident
It was supposed to happen to me
When you get stressed out
Nobody can bother you
When you become annoyed
The world becomes your tool
What happens when the world turns its back on you?
You feel like that was an accident too?