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Self care is more than a few items on a checklist that remind you - you’re a human being. Go deeper acknowledge what you haven’t been....

Slow down!
Missed your exit again? Not seeing the address? Starting to have mix feelings about taking the trip? You take a deep breath, close your...

So you took some L’s? Lessons are learned when you deal with losses- just don’t lose yourself! Your gifts...

Of course there are moments when you just feel absolutely alone! But standing out from the crowd is a divinely designed opportunity. Some...

Get Up!
🎶they talk about bricks but they can’t build 🎶 Sometimes it’s the soil your seeds are birthed from that offers no reaction. But when...

Blind Faith
Don’t become that jealous person who can’t see they’re holding themselves back. No one owes you shi+ - so whatever the emotional block is...

It may behoove you to go within every now and again to assess what the hell you’re doing. If this is about what you really need then you...

Deep breaths
🧿✨It’s so easy to personalize an absence of feedback. Assuming good intent is not easy when you know someone is not well meaning. But...

Love your light
The term “light worker” has been used for decades to describe those on the path to self-awakening. Light has significant spiritual...

Self Care
🎶this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine🎶 To allow yourself to be beholden to the opinions of others is psychologically...

Research shows that without a sense of working to create a legacy, adults lose meaning in their life. At the heart of this legacy-...

Is it you?
If you’re telling the same story and you’re not the protagonist you should ask yourself, “Am I someone who gets too upset or angry over...

Mindset mind your business! watch your thoughts for they become words Watch your words they become actions Watch...

Making bold and blanket statements based on your point of reference does have its limitations. Get up, get out, and experience whatever...

You need to choose you! All that adversity, the heartaches, the dark days, and the will to keep going add up tremendously. Why would you...

Self Care
If you take the time you’ll always have it! I’ve found that trying to hurry up and get it done does nothing but speed up misplaced focus....

Ask more often.
Before you go filling in the blanks with answers - did you ask questions? Sometimes the stress is self imposed. ask yourself what it is...

Let’s talk about it
Need a jumpstart for your well-being journey? Got 8 weeks? We have a psycho education program for you to participate in, Heal the Ages©...

Gap Analysis?
What’s another word for trendsetter? Have you been doing that with your career? Did you know you have to start an honest gap analysis?...

Life as work of art
You can masterfully create a wonderful portrait of life’s complexity in simple words or colors illustrating the powerful experiences we...
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