After*Words:a snippet of my creative psychology.
Song Inspiration -> Ella Mai “Found” from the Change EP
Who? & How.
The seed was planted
darkness ensued
watered by experiences of what?
what it is to endure
the discomfort of growth
how long?
what does this actually mean?
breaking through temporary casing.
why is this happening?
to feel different
but unable to see
pushing through a concept;
the adversity!
breaking through
a new beginning.
new sensations.
territory unfamiliar.
new light that begs of closed eyes
to feel but to not see
the fascination of such
a beautiful transformation.
why all the pain?
why the darkness?
do I recognize the fruit I bear?
what’s so special about this season?
my roots grow deeper with time and reflection.
the appreciation
I have not known
in my earlier phase
leaves me to notice
where I focused my pain.
The growth in hindsight
was my saving grace.
I now breath the air
meant for me.
I feel warmth.
I dance in the rain.
I stand tall in a place meant for me.
a deeply planted seed
a model worth sampling.😉